Merriam/Webster Online Dictionary
meaningful: having a meaning.
helpful. i love when dictionary's define adjectives with their own nouns.
meaning: having a purpose, significant
conversation: discussion of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas
how often do we, as humans, have meaningful conversations? Are all conversations meaningful or just some? Is there ever really a conversation that can be defined as "significant" or is every "discussion of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas," just some superficial bullshit?
I don't know.
meaningful conversation. conversation meaningful. meaningful. conversation. conversation that is meaningful. meaningful...
Sitting on a porch or laying on the hood of a car. Drinking. Smoking. Watching the stars on a sparkling night. Just discussing. Feelings. Ideas. Questions and possible answers.
Maybe it doesn't matter where. Maybe it's a field or a rock nestled at a creek. A bench. A swing. Does it have to be outside?
I like them that way. When the only observers are yourself, the one you're with, nature and God. No boundaries, no judges or critics, no wrong thing to say or do. Just you. Because for a while there everything fades away. You don't even realize you're still talking or that time is ticking or even that someone is there. It's you and the sky. And for that moment everything in your world is right.
Is that God? Is the one intently listening to your every thought the person sitting beside you or is the freedom and peace created for you by the Ultimate Being? I don't know. I haven't really conversed, meaningfully or not (except to pray that Aprile get better) with Him in some time. With Him or any human for that matter. Maybe that's what I need. Maybe, just maybe, that is the solution to my loneliness and hard fought despair. A significant discussion. Words spoken with purpose.
A meaningful conversation. With Him. With Anybody.
start off with meaningful conversations with God, then go from there. meaningful conversations are almost essential to one's being. at least for me anyway. i guess it is the depth of it that i like. shallow conversations just don't cut.