Sunday, February 27, 2011

About Me and Why I Love Baseball

American journalist, Bruce Catton, stated, “baseball is beyond question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America.” I fell in love with baseball during one of these discussions. Growing up, conversations between my father and I were rigid, impersonal critiques of my batting stance, my follow through and the incessant reminder to keep my eye on the ball. I quickly resented the hours spent in my back yard swinging away at soft tosses and continuously chasing after fly balls. Baseball and my father were simply making my young life miserable.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Revamped Blog - Sunday Sports Segment

I have decided to revamp my blog. I have not written in this particular blog in four years and feel a fresh perspective is needed to engage new readers, new thoughts and new conversations. I have left a few remaining posts from the previous blog, "As Time Ticks Life Away" as a reminder of where I've been and what paths my thoughts have traveled. The purpose of that blog was to act as a form of reflection, introspection and contemplation. The new, updated blog will be drastically different. I am combining my two favorite topics, sports and communication, and using this blog as an outlet for musings, analysis, speculation and debate on the latest sports topics throughout the year.