Sunday, May 01, 2011


I pulled my Internet up this week to get on Facebook and procrastinate working on a final term paper when a news story on ESPN caught my eye. Ok, actually it wasn’t the story itself. I saw a picture of a man and a woman standing next to each other with medals around their necks and a small headline proclaiming Alicia Shay back to running or something like that. I didn’t know who Alicia Shay was, at the time, didn’t really care that she could run and was coining my latest status update in my head when I read what was under the headline. Instead of a synopsis answering all questions Alicia Shay, it asked a question, “Seen EspnW lately? We’ve got a new look.”

Monday, April 25, 2011

Heart: Why I Hate The New York Yankees

After my three part NFL Lockout I want to move to baseball since it is now baseball season officially. I'm going to use this opportunity to first explain that I hate the New York Yankees. With a Passion. I avoid drafting them on my fantasy baseball teams only because if one of the players is on my team, I feel like I must cheer for him and thus must cheer for a part of the Yankees. I have friends that are Yankees fans and they always say to me, "everyone hates the Yankees because we have more money than any other team." I want to make this very clear. I do not hate the Yankees because they steal, er buy, star players from other teams. I hate the Yankees because they don't win every game and every World Series while stealing, oh, my apologies, again I mean, buying star players from other teams.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Heart: The NFL Lockout, Part 3

Of course, the communication scholar in me wants to look beyond the situation and what has caused it and identify how the situation is being framed and portrayed by the owners, the NFL and  the players association. The rhetoric coming from the owners is, at best, accusatory toward the players. The blame game being spun by the owners should be no surprise if you’ve read the previous two posts of this blog. What is surprising in this situation is the reaction from the NFL who, for the first time during the bargaining period, are showing signs of heartlessness and ignorance toward the ultimate victim here, the fans.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

UK heading to the Final Four!

Break in the nfl lockout thread today... The most important thing to take away from this week is simple. The Kentucky Wildcats are back in the Final Four. 'Nuff said.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Heart: The NFL Lockout, Part 2

After public humiliations and the court shouting illegal activity, the owners finally had a change of heart, right? Wrong. The owners responded by shrugging off the court ruling, as if an intern was merely suggesting a change of surgical strategy to the head of cardio-thoracic surgery. The owners know what’s in their chests. How dare the court tell them they are mistreating their fellow human beings, as if the court knows what is best needed for the players and owners. The owners aren't content. Don’t the courts understand that? The owners, they need more money.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Heart: The NFL Lockout, Part 1

I’m starting a theme based set of entries with this post. This is the first entry in a series of posts on one topic. Heart. This week’s post will apply heart to the NFL and the failed labor negotiations. Because there has been so much news reported on this topic for the past week the post will be broken into sections. This is Part 1 of Heart: The NFL Lockout.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

What will be the biggest storyline of baseball 2011?

The inability of the St. Louis Cardinals to sign Albert Pujols to a future contract dominated headlines even before the first spring training games. Pujols asserts that neither he nor his agent will discuss the situation during the season to avoid possible distractions. However, the multitude of potential scenarios will extend dialogue surrounding his future even though Prince Albert isn’t chiming in.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

About Me and Why I Love Baseball

American journalist, Bruce Catton, stated, “baseball is beyond question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America.” I fell in love with baseball during one of these discussions. Growing up, conversations between my father and I were rigid, impersonal critiques of my batting stance, my follow through and the incessant reminder to keep my eye on the ball. I quickly resented the hours spent in my back yard swinging away at soft tosses and continuously chasing after fly balls. Baseball and my father were simply making my young life miserable.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Revamped Blog - Sunday Sports Segment

I have decided to revamp my blog. I have not written in this particular blog in four years and feel a fresh perspective is needed to engage new readers, new thoughts and new conversations. I have left a few remaining posts from the previous blog, "As Time Ticks Life Away" as a reminder of where I've been and what paths my thoughts have traveled. The purpose of that blog was to act as a form of reflection, introspection and contemplation. The new, updated blog will be drastically different. I am combining my two favorite topics, sports and communication, and using this blog as an outlet for musings, analysis, speculation and debate on the latest sports topics throughout the year.